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INCLUDES: One (6' x 26") Roll of Jet White Covering
One Instruction Sheet
MonoKote is a Patented, Flexible High-Gloss Polyester Film that is Inexpensive,
Easy, Clean, and When Compared to "old fashioned" Coverings, Quick To Use.
FEATURES: Super Strong with a Tensile Strength of 25,000 psi (pounds/sq in)
Lightweight at Only 0.2 oz/sq ft
Dry Adhesive Activates When Heat is Applied
Shrinks to a Drum-Tight Finish As It Cools
High Gloss Finish
Fuelproof and Waterproof
Stronger and Lighter Than Traditional Silk and Dope Coverings
May be Cleaned with Glass Cleaner, "409" or MonoKote Cleaner/Polish
REQUIRES: Sealing Iron, Heat Gun, Iron Sock