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This is the BLS551 Digital Brushless Low Profile Car Servo from Futaba.
This servo produces high-current draw from receiver batteries,
do not use dry-cell receiver batteries.
Low profile design suited for 1/10 & 1/8 scale steering applications
Equipped with brushless motor, metal gears and two ball bearings for
smooth operation and long life
Same power consumption as brushed digital servos
Torque: 102 oz-in (7.4 kg-cm) @ 4.8V 128 oz-in (9.2 kg-cm) @ 6V
Speed: 0.13 sec/60° @ 4.8V 0.10 sec/60° @ 6V
Dimensions: 1.6 x 0.8 x 1.0" (41 x 20 x 25mm)
Weight: 1.6 oz (44g)
Spline: 25t